PharmaIndustrial India Magazine September-October 2023
Vaibhav Vohra: The logistics and supply chain industry has a crucial role in the pharma & healthcare sectors. From pro- curement and inventory management to transportation, timely delivery, and cold chain management, every aspect of the logistics process contributes to ensuring timely and reliable access to healthcare resources. India, in particular, has emerged as a leading player in forwarding both API & formulation pharmaceuticals to other countries. During the COVID-19 pan- demic, the supply chain and logistics in- dustry worked 24/7 to provide essential services. As a freight forwarder, our top priority was the successful completion of assigned tasks and updating the cus- tomer on milestones achieved. Q In general, what are some critical issues faced by the pharmaceutical industry in regard to the global supply chain? Vaibhav Vohra: The pharmaceutical in- dustry faces several critical issues within the global supply chain. One significant challenge is obtaining export licens- es from the government and securing NOCs from the Additional Drug Control- ler (ADC) for specific export shipments. The industry requires knowledgeable and experienced professionals to ad- dress supply chain disruption, catch up with clinical trials, and manage cyberse- curity threats and pharmaceutical fraud. Moreover, any sudden change in the mode of transport, for customs-cleared goods, to meet consumer demand might attract bureaucratic processes; where such goods are required to be retract- ed and exported again through another mode. Such kind of situations lead to un- necessary delays. Q What are some recent develop- ments in supply chain management that have helped pharmaceutical com- panies to mitigate some of the risks in- volved in running global operations? Vaibhav Vohra: Recent developments in supply chain management have pro- vided pharmaceutical companies with effective tools to mitigate risks in their global operations. One such develop- ment is enhanced transparency and real-time tracking of shipments, which enables companies to anticipate poten- tial disruptions and take proactive mea- sures. Additionally, the utilization of advanced analytics and innovative technologies has enabled the establishment of da- ta-driven crisis management systems. These systems help companies prepare for unforeseen challenges by analyzing and interpreting data to make informed decisions. Overall, these developments have significantly improved risk man - agement capabilities in the pharmaceu- tical supply chain. Q Can you tell us about the solutions Continental Carriers offers to phar- maceutical companies to help them alle- viate supply chain risk? Vaibhav Vohra: Continental Carriers of- fer a range of solutions to pharmaceu- tical companies in order to help them alleviate supply chain risk. As a trusted freight forwarding service provider, we have developed a comprehensive risk management strategy to identify and mitigate potential risks in the supply chain. We closely monitor and manage such risks, ensuring that our clients’ shipments are in safe hands. We believe in establishing clear communication channels to maintain transparency and provide regular updates to our clients. In addition, we conduct regular assess- ments of our suppliers to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. Moreover, we continually invest in technology to provide our es- teemed customers with the best pos- sible service, incorporating innovative solutions that enhance efficiency and minimize supply chain risk. Q Looking forward how do you see the pharmaceutical industry strength- ening its global supply chains and what role will Continental Carriers play in this growth? Vaibhav Vohra: The pharmaceutical industry has significant potential for strengthening its global supply chains, with a focus on sourcing materials and products from various locations. This approach can lead to significant cost savings and increased efficiency in pro - duction. As a trusted freight forwarding service provider, Continental Carriers is well-positioned to play a key role in this growth by offering strategic planning services to help pharmaceutical com- panies develop long-term plans and achieve their objectives and goals. Our approach to tactical planning and oper- ational execution ensures that our clients receive the most effective and efficient supply chain solutions possible. We re- main committed to investing in the latest technology and innovations to remain at the forefront of the global supply chain landscape while maintaining our focus on customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. PHARMA INDUSTRIALINDIA · SEP-OCT 23 17 INTERVIEW
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