PharmaIndustrial India Magazine September-October 2023

PHARMA INDUSTRIALINDIA · SEP-OCT 23 19 ARTICLE All air compressors draw in atmospheric air, compress it to the required pressure, and deliver it to the point of application. Atmospheric air can contain various contaminants, including particulates, moisture, solvents, oil, and pollen. These can se- riously hamper end products if they are not filtered properly. ISO 8573 is a globally recognized standard for compressed air quality measurement. Almost all pharmaceutical companies demand compressed air quality in compliance with Class Zero per ISO 8573-1, which stipulates the absence of oil, and ISO 8573-7, which specifies the absence of microbiological con - taminants. Even a minute trace of oil in the air lines can lead to prod- uct contamination and impurities, damaging a drug manufac- turer’s reputation. Therefore, there is a growing demand for high-quality, efficient, and reliable compressed air systems. Safety and Risk Analysis The criticality of compressed air applications in any pharma Industry must be carefully accessed before setting up the compressed air system. Key considerations include: • Intended use: Will the air be used for breathing applica - tions? • Application Scope: Will the air be used for instrumentation, process, or both? If only instrumentation, the blow-off layout is very important. • Volume and Pressure Requirements: Determining the total quantity and pressure of compressed air needed. • Product Sensitivity: Assessing whether the product being produced is sterile or sensitive to specific parameters. • Regulatory Compliance: Understanding the regulatory or statutory requirements for utilities, including compressed air. • Environmental Contaminants: Identifying any other poten- tial contaminants in the operating environment. • Moisture Control: Establishing acceptable moisture levels for critical applications in the system. Compressed Air Purification