PharmaIndustrial India Magazine September-October 2023

PHARMA INDUSTRIALINDIA · SEP-OCT 23 25 ARTICLE Necessary points for the design of the cold rooms With the needs of the process defined, we can design the plant’s cold rooms. The points to be studied are common to the design of most warehouses, although in the case of refrigerat- ed warehouses their impact is greater due to the energy cost involved. The points to be studied are: • Specific heat of the product • Number of daily door openings • Air renewal requirements • Classification of the room (if it is a classified room) • Considerable internal loads due to machinery or occupancy With all these inputs, each case is studied to see, according to the necessary power, the requirements of the installation, the need for redundancy, technology and the most recommend- able refrigerants that fit in with the ecological and thermal effi - ciency objectives. In this regard, we would like to emphasise that the cooling of the rooms has a great impact on the energy consumption of the plant. Therefore, the chosen solution will be very important to reduce the carbon footprint of the production as well as the costs. Conclusion The design of the cold chain must take into account several as- pects of the plant. Especially the process. The chosen solution will have a major impact, not only on the quality and safety of the product, but also on the operational costs of the plant and its environmental impact. To achieve this, the project team will have to rely on experts in product, pharmaceutical processing, air conditioning and lo- gistics, as well as the involvement of industrial refrigeration and control suppliers. The Klinea team has been designing plants for the pharmaceutical sector for more than 20 years and can give all the support so that the cold chain is fully optimised.